Antonita Cordero Suina

Antonita Cordero Suina (1935-1999) was a Cochiti Pueblo potter from New Mexico, USA. She was born in the Cochiti Pueblo and learned the traditional techniques of pottery making from her mother, Carmelita Dunlap.
Cordero Suina was known for her innovative pottery designs, which often incorporated figurative elements, such as animals and human figures. She also experimented with new forms and techniques, such as using colored slips and carving intricate designs into her pottery.
In addition to her work as a potter, Cordero Suina was also a teacher and mentor to many young artists in the Cochiti Pueblo community. She was a founding member of the Cochiti Pueblo Pottery Cooperative and helped to establish the Cochiti Pueblo Arts and Crafts Fair.
Cordero Suina's work has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including the National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1995.
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