This exceptional sideboard was produced by the company Serafino Arrighi in Cantù, Italy in the late 1940s. The design is attributed to Paolo Buffa, who worked with Serafino Arrighi for the execution of many of his designs in this era. The design is marked by the six front doors, which have been veneered in alternating darker and lighter shades of walnut wood. The distinct grain of the walnut wood has been mirrored as well, creating a particularly striking and elegant graphic effect. This contrasting light/dark pattern is repeated on the top of the middle part, above the two double doors. A raised shelf connects the most left and right parts of the piece. The design is completed by the elegant base consisting of two columns on both sides, with outward bending legs. Brass details can be found in the rings of the columns, the feet and the four hexagonal keys. The intricate details, the materials used and the high level of craftsmanship perfectly illustrate the originality and quality of both Paolo Buffa and the manufacturer Serafino Arrighi.