László Taubert
Hungarian, 1966
An accomplished master in the mediums of bronze and marble, Laszlo Taubert’s powerful and iconic sculptures are hauntingly epic in form. Hearkening to the idiom of archaic Greek statuary - particularly, to the Kouros and Kore (“youth” and “maiden”) figures of Apollo’s sanctuary at Delos which are stylistically infused with a neo-Egyptian influence - Taubert’s languid sculptures encompass the language of abstracted formalism while maintaining an element of stylized naturalism. Sublimely elegant and highly architectural, his work reveals a mastery of both the classical and modern idiom.
Taubert received his MFA from the Academy of Fine Art in Budapest where he taught from 1993-95. As an internationally acclaimed artist and sculptor, his works have been extensively exhibited throughout the world. His monumental commissions and highly recognizable sculptural forms have been placed in numerous private and public collections with a dedicated museum to his signicant works in his native Hungary.
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C.V. (Resume)
1996–1997 Advanced Artistic Studies JPTE, Pécs, Hungary 1990–1993 M.A. Degree, School of Fine Arts, Budapest 1985–1990 B.A. Degree, School of Fine Arts, Budapest Professional Experience: 1993–1995 Teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
**Individual Exhibitions: 2015 Galerie Art Felicitas, Lichtenstein 2014 Symbol Art, Budapest 2013 Erdesz Gallery, Szentendre Hungary 2010 Művészetek Háza, Tatabánya Hungary 2010 Belvedere Gallery Budapest 2007 Smelik & Sokking Galerie, Den Haag, Holland 2007 Galerie Gabrielle Laroche, Paris 2006 Henrietta Lerner, Baden-Baden, Germany 2006 Erdész Light & Loft Gallery (with Barbara Sipos), Budapest 2006 Aulich Art Gallery (with group Morph), Budapest 2006 Hegyvidék Gallery Budapest 2004 Jesuit Chapel, Chaumont, France 2004 V.th. district Mayor Office, Paris 2003 Zinko Gallery, Paris 2002 Institut Hungary, Paris 2001 Ökollégium Art Gallery, Budapest 1996 Galerie Eremitage, Göttingen, Germany 1995 Galeria Vascello, Milano, Italy 1994 Charlotte Heming Gallery, Darmstadt, Germany 1994 Erlin Gallery, Budapest **Selected Group Exhibitions: 2016 Iliad, International, Art & Antiques show, Palm Beach, FL 2015 Fiac Erdész Gallery Paris 2015 Insbruck Art Fair Galerie Art Felicitas Lichtenstein 2015 Galerie Gabrielle Laroche, Paris 2015 Exhibition of Hungaricons, Budapest 2015 Dany Art, Design Paris 2014 Fiac Erdesz Gallery, Paris 2013 Galerie Gabrielle Laroche, Paris 2012 Fiac Erdesz Gallery, Paris 2011 Dany Art, Design Paris 2010 Erdész Gallery Szentendre, “Hungarian Artists In Paris” 2009 Smelik and Stokking “40 Year” Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Holland 2009 FIAC Erdész and Makláry Gallery, Paris 2004-2009 Autumn Exhibition of Hódmezôvásárhely, Hódmezôvásárhely, Hungary 2008 Iliad Gallery, Fall Antique Show, San Francisco, CA 2008 Iliad Gallery, Spring International Art & Antique Show, New York, NY 2007 Iliad Gallery, San Francisco Fall Antique Show, San Francisco, CA 2007 Iliad Gallery, Sea Fair International Art Exhibition, New York & Greenwich CT 2007 Iliad Gallery, Spring International Art and Antique Show, New York NY 2007 Iliad Gallery, Palm Beach International Art and Antique Fair, Palm Beach FL 2007 Iliad Gallery, International Art and Antique Show, New York NY 2006 Erdész Gallery Palm Beach International Art and Antique Fair, Palm Beach FL 1993 - 2005 Biennial Exhibition of Statuettes, Pécs, Hungary 2002 International Contemporary Exhibition, la Défense, Paris, France 2001–2002–2003 Autumn Salon, Paris, France 1997-1998 Gallery Erdész-Mensikoff, Cologne, Germany 1997 Exhibition of the Master Course Lahr, Germany 1997 Exhibition Corpus Museum of Hatvan, Hungary 1996 Medal Exhibition at the Biennial Exhibition of Medals, Sopron, Hungary 1995 Business Card Medals, OTP Galéria, Budapest 1995 Contemporary Sculpture in Hungary, Mûcsarnok, Budapest 1993 - 1995 Biennial Exhibition of Medals, Sopron, Hungary 1994 Exhibition of Small Statues, Vigadó, Budapest 1993 The Torso and Sculpture in Hungary, Városi Galéria, Miskolc, Hungary 1993 Quartett Foundation, University Stage, Budapest 1992 Foundation MHB, Kunsthalle, Budapest