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Table Lamps
- North America 2408
- United States 2386
- Europe 1318
- New York 1292
- New York City 1099
- California 531
- France 462
- Netherlands 231
- Los Angeles 214
- England 212
- Saint-Ouen 212
- London 182
- Bois-Colombes 170
- Pennsylvania 162
- Reading 150
- Italy 148
- Meerssen 132
- Germany 125
- Glendale 110
- Sweden 108
- Long Island City 107
- Milano 106
- Illinois 97
- Connecticut 88
- München 83
- New Jersey 83
- Paris 78
- Philadelphia 68
- San Francisco 67
- Texas 65
- Santa Barbara 63
- Stamford 61
- Brooklyn 60
- Karlstad 59
- Mccook 58
- Utrecht 50
- Glava 47
- Dallas 46
- Berlin 42
- Chicago 39
- Manhasset 38
- Pemberton 37
- Hoorn 34
- Florida 32
- East Los Angeles 30
- Hudson 28
- Beverly Hills 25
- Westport 24
- Canada 24
- Asbury Park 23
- Quebec 22
- Miami Beach 22
- Montreal 22
- Hollywood 20
- England 18
- Hastings 18
- Bridgehampton 18
- Torino 17
- Union City 17
- Rome 15
- Spain 14
- Virginia 14
- Maryland 11
- Lithuania 8
- Belgium 8
- Georgia 7
- Austria 5
- Maine 5
- Massachusetts 4
- Rhode Island 3
- Vermont 2
- Ontario 2
- District of Columbia 1
- Louisiana 1
- Alabama 1
- Missouri 1
- Oregon 1
- New York City 1009
- Paris 460
- Los Angeles 372
- Paris Flea Market 361
- London 256
- Philadelphia & Vicinity 254
- Netherlands 231
- The Gallery at 200 LEX 221
- Vetted Show Galleries 212
- New York Design Center 170
- Germany 125
- Salon Fair 115
- Connecticut 114
- Chicago 95
- Italy 78
- San Francisco 72
- Texas 67
- South Florida 39
- Philadelpia & Vicinity 1
- Italy 1189
- United States 674
- France 470
- Sweden 341
- Denmark 150
- Germany 78
- Belgium 41
- India 34
- England 34
- Finland 22
- Switzerland 22
- Austria 18
- Spain 14
- Netherlands 13
- Japan 12
- Czech Republic 5
- China 4
- Norway 4
- Canada 3
- South Korea 2
- Brazil 2
- Australia 1
- Mexico 1
- United States Virgin Islands 1
- Argentina 1
Lead Time
- Clear All
Mid-Century Pair of Ceramic Lamps Blue Rimini by Bitossi. Italy, 1970s
H 23 in W 11 in D 11 in
$ 5,200
Haico Nietsche
Large Haico Nietzsche Ceramic Table Lamp, Søholm Stentøj, Denmark, 1960s
H 21 in W 15 in D 10 in
$ 2,000
Access Trade Price
François Godebski
Pair of Lamps Yellow Fractal Resin by François Godebski , France, 1970s
H 18 in W 10 in D 10 in
$ 6,700
Mid-Century 3-Tier Orb Table Lamps by Lightolier
H 24 in W 9 in D 8 in
$ 2,500
Access Trade Price
Mazzega Murano
Pair of Murano Glass and Brass Lamps by Mazzega, Italy, 1970s
H 16 in W 6 in D 6 in
$ 4,900
Mauri Almari
1950s Mauri Almari Brass Table Lamp for Idman Oy
H 9 in W 5 in D 7 in
$ 3,200
Access Trade Price
Harold Barr & Richard Weiss
Laurel Lamp by Harlod Weiss and Richard Barr 1974
H 14 in W 10 in D 14 in
$ 800
Access Trade Price