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Floor Lamps
- Europe 686
- North America 682
- United States 677
- New York 323
- New York City 244
- Netherlands 210
- California 191
- Meerssen 147
- France 140
- England 123
- London 118
- Italy 104
- Pennsylvania 69
- Reading 64
- Saint-Ouen 60
- Milano 56
- Los Angeles 54
- Sweden 54
- Glendale 53
- Paris 50
- Long Island City 48
- Germany 35
- Utrecht 34
- Beverly Hills 31
- Bois-Colombes 29
- Karlstad 28
- Torino 26
- Texas 26
- Illinois 24
- Connecticut 23
- Glava 21
- Hoorn 21
- Sag Harbor 21
- München 20
- Brooklyn 19
- Dallas 18
- Santa Barbara 17
- Philadelphia 17
- New Jersey 16
- Stamford 15
- Mccook 15
- Berlin 15
- Antwerp 14
- Belgium 14
- Rome 13
- West Hollywood 13
- Hollywood 13
- Florida 10
- Manhasset 10
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- Hudson 9
- East Los Angeles 9
- San Francisco 8
- Westport 7
- Miami 6
- Eivissa 6
- Marbella 6
- *Madrid 6
- Spain 6
- Canada 5
- Maine 5
- Georgia 5
- Quebec 5
- Maryland 4
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- Austria 1
- England 1
- Vermont 1
- Rhode Island 1
- Lithuania 1
- New York City 250
- Netherlands 210
- Los Angeles 151
- London 148
- Paris 138
- Philadelphia & Vicinity 81
- Paris Flea Market 79
- Italy 69
- The Gallery at 200 LEX 57
- Vetted Show Galleries 56
- New York Design Center 40
- Germany 35
- Texas 29
- Salon Fair 25
- Connecticut 24
- Chicago 24
- South Florida 15
- San Francisco 8
- Philadelpia & Vicinity 1
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Philip and Kelvin LaVerne
Philip & Kelvin LaVerne Important Illuminated Bronze Sculptures ca 1970 (Signed)
H 73 in W 30 in D 16 in
$ 225,000
Pia Guidetti Crippa
Lamp Metal and Opaline Glass by Pia Guidetti Crippa for Lumi, Italy, 1970s
H 33 in W 22 in D 23 in
$ 5,000
Jacques Adnet
Dark Brown Leather Floor Lamp by Jacques Adnet
H 74 in DIA 20 in
$ 7,000
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Anders Pehrson
Pair of Stekpannan Floor Lamp by Anders Pehrson, 1968
H 42 in W 10 in D 15 in DIA 7 in
$ 2,400
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Josef Frank
Model "2326" Adjustable Josef Frank Floor Lamp for Svenskt Tenn, Sweden ca 1930s
H 55 in DIA 16 in
$ 3,563
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Falkenbergs Belysning
Falkenbergs Belysning Floor Lamp in Oak and Brass, Sweden, 1960s
H 57 in DIA 15 in
$ 2,500
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Tommi Parzinger
Tommi Parzinger for Parzinger Originals Mid Century Floor Lamp with Side Table
H 63 in W 18 in D 18 in
$ 2,795
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1950's Italian Arredoluce Style Mid-Century Modern Brass Tripod Floor Lamp
H 67 in W 18 in D 18 in
$ 5,400
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Ignazio Gardella
Ignazio Gardella 'Arenzano Tre Fiamme' Floor Lamp
H 59 in W 22 in D 20 in
$ 5,683
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Gebrüder Cosack
Mid Century Modern Telescopic Floor Lamp by Gebrüder Cosack Germany 1950s
H 51 in W 17 in D 12 in
$ 3,100